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Superb Logo

Onsdag 29 januari


1,5 min Cardio
(DU, Run, Row, AB)

2 Rounds of
8 Banded Pull Aparts
30/30 sec Rack Lat Stretch
8 Dynamic Squats
8 Squat Rotations
2 The Worm

Gear Warm Up
2 Rounds of
8 Deadlifts
8 Power Cleans
8 Front Squats
8 Strict Presses

Team of 2 (20 min TC)

For Time
500m Row
Hang Power Cleans
Sync Bar Facing Burpees
500m Row
100 Wallballs
500m Row

RX: 50/35kg
I: 40/27.5kg
S: 30/20kg

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