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Onsdag 29 januari
1,5 min Cardio
(DU, Run, Row, AB)
2 Rounds of
8 Hip Thrusters
8 Floor Leg-Swings
8 Dynamic Squats
8 Scap Pull Ups
BackGear Warm Up
2 Rounds of
8 Deadlifts
8 Overhand Barbell Rows
8 Good Mornings
8 Back Squats
1. 5 reps at 30%
2. 5 reps at 50%
3. 3 reps at 65%
4. 3 reps at 75%
5. 1 rep at 83%
Every 3:30 min x 4
1. 1 rep at 90%
2. 1 rep at 100%
3-4: find your 1 RM
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