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Terms and Conditions

General conditions for membership in Superb.
These general terms and conditions apply to membership in Superb from 1 August 2019 and until further notice.


1. General
1.1 These general terms and conditions apply to membership of the Superb training facility, which is owned and operated by Stronger SWE AB, corporate identity number 559172-9032, between the person (hereinafter referred to as "Member") named in the agreement, to which the terms described below constitute a integral part, and the company to which the agreement relates (hereinafter referred to as “Superb”). In addition to these terms, special terms may also apply on individual occasions and when purchasing other services that Superb offers, such as personal training.


2. Membership
2.1 Membership in Superb can be applied for by a person who

  • is of legal age or otherwise has his application approved in writing by a guardian, good man or trustee,

  • are at least 15 years old on the day the membership is signed, and

  • has a general state of health which, according to the assessment of Superb staff, allows physical exercise without obvious risk of injury or ill health.

2.2 Membership is applied for at Superb after information about Superb membership and training opportunities has been obtained in the form of an oral explanation from Superb staff and / or written ditto. The membership is personal and applies from the date specified in the agreement and covers the period to which the Member is bound, which is also stated in the Membership Agreement. Superb has the right to refuse membership without reservation.
2.3 Superb offers membership with different binding times and training opportunities. The scope of Superb's various forms of membership, and the fees for these, are stated in the current description of offers and services and the relevant current price list, which Superb provides via its website.


3. Member's responsibilities
3.1 The member undertakes

  • to be able to prove the validity of their membership at each training session by presenting valid identification at the request of Superb's staff,

  • to be responsible for their own health and safety in connection with a stay in Superb's training facility,

  • to follow instructions given by Superb's staff regarding booking of workouts, training methods and handling of training equipment,

  • not to behave inappropriately towards or disturbing other people staying at Superb's training facility,

  • to use premises, equipment and other belongings belonging to Superb, Superb's staff, members and guests with respect and care.

  • to inform Superb as soon as possible of circumstances that change the Member's right to receive a discount on fees or other special membership benefits.

3.2 The member is well aware that a training facility constitutes an environment where risk factors occur. The member is responsible for his actions, decisions and the consequences of these.


4. Superb's responsibility
4.1 Superb shall advise the Member from training that Superb's staff deems may involve a risk of ill health or injury to the Member or others in Superb's premises.
4.2 Superb is not responsible for obstacles in or limitation of training opportunities which is due to circumstances beyond Superb's control, such as fire, water or other major damage to Superb's training facility or equipment, strike, natural disaster or government decision.
4.3 Superb is not responsible for accidents and injuries caused by the Member during his stay in Superb's training facility.
4.4 Superb is not responsible for and does not compensate for loss of or damage to things that the Member causes in Superb's training facility. However, Superb compensates for damage to property caused by incorrect or substandard training equipment or due to negligence or negligence on the part of Superb's staff, if there is reasonable evidence of such circumstances.
4.5 Superb does not replace valuables with a value of more than SEK 10,000 under any circumstances. The member is advised not to bring valuables to Superb's premises.


5. Training at Superb's training facility .
5.1 The membership provides access to training opportunities at Superb and to the extent stated in the membership agreement and / or according to Superb at any given current range of training opportunities and services. Information about Superb at any given time regarding training times, schedules and offers is provided on site in the Superb training facility, on the website or through the booking system provided by Superb.
5.2 Through this agreement, the Member agrees that Superb's opening hours and schedule for training sessions may change over time.
5.3 Through this agreement, Superb informs the Member that more than four training sessions per week can contribute to overtraining due to too high a training volume.
5.4 Superb may for limited periods offer special training sessions for members who are in need of more competence in order to be able to safely participate in Superb's complete training offer.
5.5 Superb offers the member a stay in a training facility with the aim of performing training sessions on their own with no or only certain supervision from Superb's staff. In order for the Member to own the right to this offer, consent is required from Superb, which is not permanent but can be revoked whenever Superb's staff considers it incapable of handling this privilege in a way that is safe for the Member. The Member agrees that his ability to use the fitness center entirely on his own is regulated by Superb's staff in order to protect the Member against unnecessary risk of injury and ill health, and to protect Superb's premises and equipment from damage if used incorrectly.
5.6 The Member hereby agrees that he may be denied access to the training facility until 15 minutes before the scheduled training session starts, for which the Member has booked a place.
5.7 The Member undertakes to be ready to start the training session no later than 10 minutes before the specified start time for the scheduled training session, on which the Member has booked, under the direction of Superb's staff. If the Member is unable to fulfill this, the Member may be denied participation in the training session.
5.8 Due to the limited number of places per session, Superb can not always guarantee access to the scheduled training activity desired by the Member.
5.9 It is the Member's responsibility to personally determine his / her place for participation in the training sessions offered by Superb by booking in accordance with Superb's rules for this.
5.10 By this agreement, the Member agrees that the Superbs training facility may be closed to the Member at indefinite times for one or more days in a row for training, lectures, competitions and / or other activities for which the Member can not be guaranteed participation. The Member must be informed of this via notices in the premises and / or the website and / or e-mail.
5.11 Provided that Superb has approved in advance Member access to a stay in an unmanned training room, Member may access the room via the access system provided by Superb during the permitted stay times to train on his own.
5.12 A member undertakes to leave the premises at the time specified as closing time. In the event of a stay in an unmanned room after closing time, a Member may be charged for any emergency costs and / or have the membership revoked.
5.13 In the event of a missed pass, a fine of SEK 25 will be added on weekdays, SEK 100 on weekends.
5.14 The last time for cancellation is 3 hours before the session on weekdays, 12 hours on weekends


6. Freezing of membership in special circumstances
6.1 A member who, due to special circumstances, is unable to use his membership for a certain period of time, may apply to be allowed to freeze his membership corresponding to the time that the special circumstances prevent the member from using the membership.
6.2 Freezing of membership applies no earlier than from the day when Superb approves the Member's application for freezing and entails that any fixed period for the membership agreement is extended, that the Member is blocked from access to the training facility and its offer and that any monthly fees are not charged during the membership is frozen. .
6.3 Freezing of membership in the event of injury, illness and pregnancy is granted for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 365 days, and is only for whole months at a time. In the event of a freeze on membership for illness, injury and / or pregnancy, a certificate of cause must be issued by a doctor, midwife, physiotherapist, naprapath or equivalent.
6.4 Freezing of monthly / direct debit membership for longer stays abroad, university studies, work or military service in a place where Superb cannot offer training opportunities is given in at least 30 days and a maximum of 365 days, and is only entire calendar months at a time. Freezing is possible against a doctor's certificate stating that the Member's medical condition does not allow physical exercise. Freezing can also take place against a certificate of travel longer than 3 months to a place where Superb does not have a training facility located. The certificate must be issued by the employer or travel agency.
6.5 An application for a freeze on membership (in the event of non-acute injury / illness) must be submitted no later than the 15th of the month before the freeze is to take effect, in order to be approved by Superb.
6.6 When freezing prepaid membership, Superb may decide to give the member the opportunity to freeze from the desired date, ie not only entire calendar months as with one month / direct debit membership.
6.7 In the event of Freezing of Membership, a fee of SEK 150 will be added, which is paid every six months.


7. Fees and payment
7.1 The member pays one-off fees, monthly fees and other fees according to Superb at the current price list.
7.2 The member pays fees for prepaid membership in advance for the entire commitment period, or monthly fees for monthly / direct debit membership on an ongoing basis. The payment must be Superb no later than the date stated on the respective invoice or stated in another agreement established between Superb and the Member. It is up to the Member to, in the case of direct debit membership, give special consent in writing for transfer via direct debit, or apply for direct debit to Superb via the Internet bank.
7.3 Superb has the right to change one-time fees, monthly fees and other fees. However, the change in the monthly fee for monthly / direct debit membership applies no earlier than one month after the end of the current month.
7.4 The member does not have to pay a monthly fee for time

  • when the membership is not used in accordance with clauses 6.1-6.5 or

  • when Superb has shut down the Member in accordance with clauses 8.1-8.4.

  • as Superb does not offer training opportunities as well as coach-led sessions for a continuous period of more than two (2) weeks, with the exception of section 4.2.

7.5 If the Member has chosen payment of a monthly fee by consent to direct debit or automatic debit card withdrawal, and sufficient funds are lacking in the Member's account at the day of transfer, the Member may pay the amount due on the spot and an administrative fee of SEK 100. If the Member for any reason is not able to pay on site within two (2) months, Superb may send a reminder invoice for a monthly fee due for payment and an administrative fee of SEK 200. If the reminder invoice is not paid within the specified payment deadline, Superb may send the debt for collection. Superb has the right to charge the Member an invoicing fee and a reminder fee in addition to the stated fees.
7.6 The member has fulfilled his payment obligation when the amount stated in the reminder invoice has been received in Superb's account. If Superb does not receive payment by the due date for the reminder invoice, Superb has the right to charge interest on arrears in accordance with the Swedish Interest Act and, where applicable, collection costs.


Termination of membership agreements
8.1 The membership agreement for advance membership expires at the end of the binding period for which the Member has committed itself in the membership agreement. Superb applies one (3) month's notice period to monthly / direct debit membership, from the first day of the following month from the date on which the termination of membership took place. This means that if the Member terminates his membership, the Member pays for the month in which the notice period runs and in addition the next 3 months. The 3 months refer to the All-in card, for other cards a 30-day notice period applies.
8.2 A member has the right, by notice that Superb must have received no later than within 2 weeks from the date of signing the membership agreement, to terminate the membership regardless of the binding period. In such a case, Superb will charge at least one fee corresponding to the maximum price for 1 month from the start date of the membership, but will reimburse paid one-off fees and other fees paid in advance.
8.3 Member, who due to circumstances or changed circumstances that the Member can not control or control, is prevented from using the membership (eg longer illness, unemployment or other similar circumstance that can be proven by certificate), may be given the opportunity to, by agreement with Superb, terminate bound membership even if the binding period has not expired. The Membership Agreement expires on the day when any agreement is made between the Member and Superb. In such a case, Superb charges a final fee comprising half of the unpaid monthly fees for the remainder of the binding period, but always at least one monthly fee.
8.4 Superb has the right to suspend the Member for a certain period of time or terminate the membership agreement with immediate effect if the Member violates the membership agreement in the following cases and does not, at the request of Superb, make a sufficient correction;

  • mismanages payment of monthly fees and other fees, such as that payment, despite a reminder, has not been made within 15 days of the due date stated on the invoice, or

  • mismanages the booking system in accordance with applicable rules

  • takes up or is in the room at unauthorized times.

  • violates safety and order rules, any of the general terms or instructions explained in this agreement given by Superb's staff so that there is a risk of ill health or personal injury to the Member or another or damage to training equipment occurs or may occur.

8.5 Superb has zero tolerance for the use of doping-classified preparations. When using doping substances, Member can be suspended with immediate effect. Member undertakes to submit to doping control where applicable. Refusal to submit to doping control leads to suspension with immediate effect. In the event of suspension in accordance with this section 8.5, no part of the fee paid will be refunded.


9. Repayment of fees paid in the event of early termination of the membership agreement
9.1 Superb reimburses, in the event of premature termination of the membership agreement during the binding period and at the request of the Member, its monthly fees paid in advance to the extent they relate to the remaining binding period for which the Member is bound by the membership agreement (after deduction of debited fees). the following circumstances

  • Superb and the Member have reached an agreement that continued training entails a significant risk of deterioration of the Member's health, or

  • changed condition according to section 8.3.


10. Other training opportunities and services
10.1 Other training opportunities and services, such as access to access systems, personal training, lectures, training or the like may require a separate agreement applicable to the service at any given time, for which the Member hereby undertakes to enter into whether such training opportunity or service is purchased by or via Superb.


11. Children and prams
11.1 Children under the age of 14 may stay at the training facility under the supervision of a guardian. When the Member stays at the training center, in the company of a person to whom the Member is the guardian, before training, this person must be in the Member's immediate vicinity. When the Member trains at Superb's training facility, any person to whom the Member is the guardian must stay on the area in the room where the least risk of accidents applies. At the same time, the Member's company must be able to have eye contact with the Member.
11.2 Superb allows prams at the training facility but only has room for a few and the Member can therefore not count on there being room for a pram that is included. These must be placed where the staff indicates.
11.3 Strollers must not stand in the way of other members or staff. Superb's staff on site decides at what time whether a pram brought by the Member may be placed in the room or not.


12. Safety and order rules
12.1 The member must not be in the way of, or in any way, disrupt ongoing workouts, or personal training, when he is staying at the training facility.
12.2 The member must not insult other members or in any way cause another person an accident or ill health at Superb's training facility.
12.3 Superb has the right to terminate the Member's agreement in the event that safety or order rules are violated by the Member.


1 3. Amendment of the general terms and conditions of the agreement
13.1 Superb has the right to unilaterally change these general terms and conditions.


14. Information and messages
14.1 Superb sends information and messages in accordance with the membership agreement to the Member, primarily by e-mail to the e-mail address notified by the Member, and where applicable through Superb's website. Information or message is considered to have reached the Member no later than the second working day after the day of dispatch or publication.
14.2 Messages from the Member according to the membership agreement can be handed over to Superb orally on site to Superb's staff, via telephone contact or sent by letter or e-mail to Superb. Contact information for Superb is stated on Superb's website ().
14.3 The member shall notify Superb of any change in contact information (such as change of name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) and information for payment by direct debit, bank / credit card or invoice.


15. Personal information, photo and video
15.1 Superb processes information about the Member, such as name, social security number, address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address, membership number, gender, photo, age, payment information, information about signed agreements and services, and about the Member's use of these, in order to provide and administer the membership and for the activities to which the Member has consented. The member's information is processed in accordance with the GDPR. For this, there are ready-made processes set up for processing personal data, as well as a list of stored personal data.
15.2 The Member agrees that Superb, and other companies that are in a corporate connection with Superb, process, collect or disclose information about the Member for information purposes and to provide the services Superb offers.
15.3 The member may at any time notify Superb restriction of or completely revoke his consent. Superb confirms notified limitation or revocation.
15.4 If limitation of consent entails difficult opportunities for Superb to contact or debit the Member in accordance with active membership agreements, Superb may revoke membership without refund of fees paid, and if the Member has a remaining notice period will also be obliged to pay for the remaining time.
15.5 A member who participates in Superb's range of training opportunities and services may be photographed or videotaped. It is the Member's responsibility to notify Superb if the Member does not agree to the use of photographs and / or videos on Superb's website / facebook page or in any form of marketing or advertising. Compensation is not paid for such use


16. Opening hours
16.1 Via his smartphone, the Member gets access to Superb at unmanned times. The door can be opened Mondays to Thursdays from 05.45 to 21.00, 05.45 to 19.00 and weekends 08.45 to 16.00, and the member must have left the room no later than fifteen minutes after closing. Superb reserves the right to make changes to these times and for the premises to be completely closed during, for example, training, competitions, renovations or anything else that may require this.
16.2 It is absolutely forbidden for Members to let in unauthorized persons and entry must take place one person at a time. In the event of a lost smartphone or suspicion that login to the access control system may have ended up in the hands of an unauthorized person, the member must immediately contact Superb via
  or telephone.


1 7. Dispute
17.1 If a dispute arises between the Member and Superb, the parties shall in the first instance try to reach an agreement. If the parties cannot agree, the Member may report to the General Complaints Board if the dispute is suitable for the board's review. Superb undertakes to follow the board's recommendation. However, the member and Superb always have the right to request that a dispute be tried by a general court.

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